Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (TAMCC)

Academic Year: Fall 2024 - Summer 2025 (Default)



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Common CourseTexas A&M University-Corpus Christi
ACCT 2301 3hPrinciples of Financial AccountingACCT 2301 3hFinancial Accounting
ACCT 2302 3hPrinciples of Managerial AccountingACCT 2302 3hManagerial Accounting
ARTS 1301 3hArt AppreciationARTS 1301 3hArt & Society
ARTS 1303 3hArt History I (Prehistoric to the 14th Century)ARTS 1303 3hArt History Survey I
ARTS 1304 3hArt History II (14th Century to the Present)ARTS 1304 3hArt History Survey II
ARTS 1311 3hDesign I (2-Dimensional)ARTS 1311 3hDesign I
ARTS 1312 3hDesign II (3-Dimensional)ARTS 1312 3hDesign II
ARTS 1316 3hDrawing IARTS 1316 3hDrawing I
ARTS 1317 3hDrawing IIARTS 1317 3hDrawing II
ARTS 2316 3hPainting IARTS 2316 3hPainting I
ARTS 2326 3hSculpture IARTS 2326 3hSculpture I
ARTS 2333 3hPrintmaking IARTS 2333 3hPrintmaking I
ARTS 2346 3hCeramics IARTS 2346 3hCeramics I
ARTS 2356 3hPhotography I (Fine Arts emphasis)ARTS 2356 3hPhotography I
BCIS 1305 3hBusiness Computer ApplicationsBAIS 2301 3hComputer Applications in Business
BIOL 1308 3hBiology for Non-Science Majors I (lecture)BIOL 1308 3hScience for Life I (Non Major Biology)
BIOL 1406 4hBiology for Science Major I (lecture + lab)BIOL 1406 4hBiology I
BIOL 1407 4hBiology for Science Major II (lecture + lab)BIOL 1407 4hBiology II
BIOL 2401 4hAnatomy & Physiology I (lecture + lab)BIOL 2401 4hAnatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 2402 4hAnatomy & Physiology II (lecture + lab)BIOL 2402 4hAnatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 2416 4hGenetics (lecture + lab)BIOL 2416 4hGenetics
BIOL 2420 4hMicrobiology for Non-Science Majors (lecture + lab)BIOL 2420 4hPrinciples of Microbiology
BIOL 2421 4hMicrobiology for Science Major I (lecture + lab)BIOL 2421 4hMicrobiology
BUSI 1301 3hBusiness PrinciplesBUSI 1301 3hIntroduction to the Business Environment
BUSI 1307 3hPersonal FinanceFINA 1307 3hPersonal Finance
CHEM 1305 3hIntroductory Chemistry I (lecture)CHEM 1305 3hIntroductory Chemistry
CHEM 1406 4hIntroductory Chemistry I (lecture + lab, allied health emphasis)CHEM 1406 4hIntroductory Physiological Chemistry
CHEM 1411 4hGeneral Chemistry I (lecture + lab)CHEM 1411 4hGeneral Chemistry I
CHEM 1412 4hGeneral Chemistry II (lecture + lab)CHEM 1412 4hGeneral Chemistry II
COMM 1307 3hIntroduction to Mass CommunicationMEDA 1307 3hMedia and Society
COMM 2311 3hMedia WritingMEDA 2311 3hMedia Writing
COMM 2330 3hIntroduction to Public RelationsCOMM 2330 3hIntroduction to Public Relations
COMM 2366 3hFilm AppreciationMEDA 2366 3hMedia Forms
COSC 1301 3hIntroduction to ComputingCOSC 1315 3hComputer Literacy
COSC 1436 4hProgramming Fundamentals ICOSC 1435 4hIntroduction to Problem Solving with Computers I
COSC 1437 4hProgramming Fundamentals IICOSC 1436 4hIntroduction to Problem Solving with Computers II
COSC 2436 4hProgramming Fundamentals IIICOSC 2437 4hData Structures
CRIJ 1301 3hIntroduction to Criminal JusticeCRIJ 1301 3hIntroduction to Criminal Justice
CRIJ 1306 3hCourt Systems & PracticesCRIJ 1306 3hCourt Systems and Processes
CRIJ 1310 3hFundamentals of Criminal LawCRIJ 1310 3hFundamentals of Criminal Law
CRIJ 2313 3hCorrectional Systems & PracticesCRIJ 2313 3hCorrectional Systems & Practices
CRIJ 2314 3hCriminal InvestigationCRIJ 2314 3hCriminal Investigation
CRIJ 2328 3hPolice Systems & PracticesCRIJ 2328 3hPolice Systems & Practices
DANC 2303 3hDance AppreciationDANC 2303 3hDance Appreciation
DRAM 1120 1hTheater Practicum ITHEA 1120 1hTheatre Production Lab I
DRAM 1121 1hTheater Practicum IITHEA 1121 1hTheatre Production Lab II
DRAM 1310 3hTheater AppreciationTHEA 1310 3hThe Art of the Theatre
DRAM 1330 3hStagecraft ITHEA 1330 3hTheatre Stagecraft
DRAM 1341 3hStage MakeupTHEA 1341 3hStage Makeup
DRAM 1342 3hCostume TechnologyTHEA 1371 3hCostume Construction
DRAM 1351 3hActing ITHEA 1351 3hActing I
DRAM 1352 3hActing IITHEA 1352 3hActing II
DRAM 2120 1hTheater Practicum IIITHEA 2120 1hTheatre Practicum 3
DRAM 2121 1hTheater Practicum IVTHEA 2121 1hTheatre Production Lab IV
DRAM 2366 3hFilm AppreciationMEDA 2366 3hMedia Forms
ECON 1301 3hIntroduction to EconomicsECON 1301 3hIntroductions to Economics
ECON 2301 3hPrinciples of MacroeconomicsECON 2301 3hMacroeconomics Principles
ECON 2302 3hPrinciples of MicroeconomicsECON 2302 3hMicroeconomics Principles
EDUC 1301 3hIntroduction to the Teaching ProfessionEDUC 2307 3hSchooling in a Democracy
ENGL 1301 3hComposition IENGL 1301 3hComposition I
ENGL 1302 3hComposition IIENGL 1302 3hWriting and Rhetoric
ENGL 2331 3hWorld Literature (single-semester course)ENGL 2316 3hLiterature and Culture
ENGL 2332 3hWorld Literature IENGL 2332 3hLiterature of Western World: From the Classic to Renaissance
ENGL 2333 3hWorld Literature IIENGL 2333 3hLiterature of Western World: From the Enlightenment to Present
ENGR 1201 2hIntroduction to EngineeringENGR 1201 2hIntroduction to Engineering
ENGR 1304 3hEngineering Graphics IENGR 1312 3hFoundations of Engineering II
ENGR 2301 3hEngineering Mechanics-StaticsENGR 2325 3hStatics
ENGR 2302 3hEngineering Mechanics - DynamicsENGR 2326 3hDynamics
ENGR 2304 3hProgramming for EngineersCOSC 1330 3hProgramming for Scientists Engineers, and Mathematicians
ENGR 2305 3hElectrical Circuits IENGR 2305 3hElectrical Circuit
ENVR 1401 4hEnvironmental Science I (lecture + lab)ESCI 1401 4hEnvironmental Science I: Introduction to Environmental Science
FREN 2311 3hIntermediate French IFREN 2311 3hFrench III
FREN 2312 3hIntermediate French IIFREN 2312 3hFrench IV
GEOG 1301 3hPhysical GeographyGISC 1301 3hPhysical Geography and Mapping
GEOG 1303 3hWorld Regional GeographyGEOG 1300 3hWorld Geography
GEOL 1303 3hPhysical Geology (lecture)GEOL 1303 3hEssentials Geology
GEOL 1403 4hPhysical Geology (lecture and lab)GEOL 1403 4hPhysical Geology
GEOL 1404 4hHistorical Geology (lecture and lab)GEOL 1404 4hHistorical Geology
GERM 2311 3hIntermediate German IGERM 2311 3hGerman III
GERM 2312 3hIntermediate German IIGERM 2312 3hGerman IV
GOVT 2304 3hIntroduction to Political SciencePOLS 2304 3hIntroduction to Political Science
GOVT 2305 3hFederal Government (Federal Const & Topics)POLS 2305 3hU.S. Government & Politics
GOVT 2306 3hTexas Government (Texas Const & Topics)POLS 2306 3hState & Local Government
GOVT 2311 3hMexican-American PoliticsPOLS 2311 3hMexican American and Latinx Politics
HIST 1301 3hUnited States History IHIST 1301 3hU.S. History to 1865
HIST 1302 3hUnited States History IIHIST 1302 3hU.S. History since 1865
HIST 2301 3hTexas HistoryHIST 2301 3hTexas History
HIST 2311 3hWestern Civilization IHIST 2311 3hWestern Civilization I
HIST 2312 3hWestern Civilization IIHIST 2312 3hWestern Civilization II
LANG 1311 3hForeign Language I (1st semester, 3 SCH version)LANG 1311 3hForeign Language I
LANG 1312 3hForeign Language II (2nd semester, 3 SCH version)LANG 1312 3hForeign Language II
MATH 1314 3hCollege Algebra (3 SCH version)MATH 1314 3hCollege Algebra
MATH 1316 3hPlane TrigonometryMATH 1316 3hTrigonometry
MATH 1324 3hMath for Business & Social SciencesMATH 1324 3hMathematics for Business and Social Sciences
MATH 1325 3hCalculus for Business & Social SciencesMATH 1325 3hCalculus for Business and Social Sciences
MATH 1332 3hContemporary Mathematics (Quantitative Reasoning)MATH 1332 3hContemporary Mathematics
MATH 1350 3hMathematics for Teachers I (Fundamentals of Mathematics I)SMTE 1350 3hFundamentals of Mathematics I
MATH 1351 3hMathematics for Teachers II (Fundamentals of Mathematics II)SMTE 1351 3hFundamentals of Mathematics II
MATH 1442 4hElementary Statistical Methods (4 SCH version, freshman level)MATH 1442 4hStatistics for Life
MATH 2305 3hDiscrete MathematicsMATH 2305 3hDiscrete Mathematics I
MATH 2312 3hPre-Calculus Math (3 SCH version)MATH 2312 3hPrecalculus
MATH 2413 4hCalculus IMATH 2413 4hCalculus I
MATH 2414 4hCalculus IIMATH 2414 4hCalculus II
MATH 2415 4hCalculus IIIMATH 2415 4hCalculus III
MUSI 1116 1hSight Singing & Ear Training IMUSI 1116 1hAural Training I
MUSI 1117 1hSight Singing & Ear Training IIMUSI 1117 1hAural Training II
MUSI 1181 1hPiano Class IMUSI 1181 1hClass Piano I
MUSI 1182 1hPiano Class IIMUSI 1182 1hClass Piano II
MUSI 1303 3hFundamentals of Music (1 semester course)MUSI 1303 3hBasic Guitar I
MUSI 1306 3hMusic AppreciationMUSI 1306 3hUnderstanding & Enjoying Music
MUSI 1307 3hMusic Literature (1 semester course)MUSI 1307 3hElements of Musical Style
MUSI 1310 3hAmerican MusicMUSI 1310 3hHistory of Rock and Roll
MUSI 1311 3hMusic Theory IMUSI 1311 3hMusicianship I
MUSI 1312 3hMusic Theory IIMUSI 1312 3hMusicianship II
MUSI 2116 1hSight Singing & Ear Training IIIMUSI 2116 1hAural Training III
MUSI 2117 1hSight Singing & Ear Training IVMUSI 2117 1hAural Training IV
MUSI 2181 1hPiano Class IIIMUSI 2181 1hClass Piano III
MUSI 2182 1hPiano Class IVMUSI 2182 1hClass Piano IV
MUSI 2311 3hMusic Theory IIIMUSI 2311 3hMusicianship III
MUSI 2312 3hMusic Theory IVMUSI 2312 3hMusicianship IV
PHED 1301 3hFoundations of KinesiologyKINE 2313 3hFoundations of Kinesiology
PHIL 1301 3hIntroduction to PhilosophyPHIL 1301 3hIntroduction to Philosophy
PHIL 2303 3hIntroduction to Formal LogicPHIL 2303 3hIntroduction to Logic & Critical Thinking
PHIL 2306 3hIntroduction to EthicsPHIL 2306 3hFoundations of Professional Ethics
PHYS 1303 3hStars and Galaxies (lecture)PHYS 1303 3hIntroduction to Astronomy: Stars and Galaxies
PHYS 1304 3hSolar System (lecture)PHYS 1304 3hIntroduction to Astronomy: Solar System
PHYS 1401 4hCollege Physics I (lecture + lab)PHYS 1401 4hGeneral Physics I
PHYS 1402 4hCollege Physics II (lecture + lab)PHYS 1402 4hGeneral Physics II
PHYS 2425 4hUniversity Physics I (lecture + lab)PHYS 2425 4hUniversity Physics I
PHYS 2426 4hUniversity Physics II (lecture + lab)PHYS 2426 4hUniversity Physics II
PSYC 2301 3hGeneral PsychologyPSYC 2301 3hGeneral Psychology
PSYC 2314 3hLifespan Growth & DevelopmentPSYC 2314 3hLife Span Developmental Psychology
PSYC 2319 3hSocial PsychologyPSYC 2319 3hSocial Psychology
SOCI 1301 3hIntroductory SociologySOCI 1301 3hHuman Societies
SOCI 1306 3hSocial ProblemsSOCI 2301 3hSocial Problems
SOCI 2326 3hSocial PsychologySOCI 2319 3hSocial Psychology
SOCW 2361 3hIntroduction to Social WorkSOCW 2361 3hIntroduction to Social Work
SPAN 2311 3hIntermediate Spanish I (3rd semester Spanish)SPAN 2311 3hSpanish III
SPAN 2312 3hIntermediate Spanish II (4th semester Spanish)SPAN 2312 3hContinuing Spanish
SPAN 2313 3hSpanish for Native/Heritage Speakers ISPAN 2313 3hSpanish for Heritage Speakers
SPCH 1311 3hIntroduction to Speech CommunicationCOMM 1311 3hFoundation of Communication
SPCH 1315 3hPublic SpeakingCOMM 1315 3hPublic Speaking
SPCH 1318 3hInterpersonal CommunicationCOMM 1318 3hInterpersonal Communication
SPCH 1321 3hBusiness & Professional CommunicationCOMM 1321 3hBusiness and Professional Communication
SPCH 1342 3hVoice & DictionCOMM 1342 3hVoice & Diction
SPCH 2333 3hDiscussion & Small Group CommunicationCOMM 2333 3hSmall Group Communication
TECA 1354 3hChild Growth & DevelopmentEDUC 1354 3hChild Growth Development