St. Mary's University (SMARY)

Academic Year: Fall 2024 - Summer 2025 (Default)



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Common CourseSt. Mary's University
ACCT 2301 3hPrinciples of Financial AccountingAC 2301 3hFinancial Account
ACCT 2302 3hPrinciples of Managerial AccountingAC 2302 3hManagerial Accounting
ANTH 2302 3hIntroduction to ArcheologyAN 2332 3hIntro to Archaeology
ANTH 2351 3hCultural AnthropologyAN 2331 3hCultural Anthropology
ARAB 1411 4hBeginning Arabic IAB 1311 3hIntroduction to Arabic I
ARAB 1412 4hBeginning Arabic IIAB 1312 3hIntroduction to Arabic II
ARTS 1301 3hArt AppreciationHU 2307 3hPersp&Themes in Fine Arts
ARTS 1303 3hArt History I (Prehistoric to the 14th Century)AR 2361 3hHistory of Western Art I
ARTS 1304 3hArt History II (14th Century to the Present)AR 2362 3hHistory of Western Art II
ARTS 1311 3hDesign I (2-Dimensional)AR 1311 3hDesign Fundamentals
ARTS 1316 3hDrawing IAR 1301 3hDrawing I
ARTS 2316 3hPainting IAR 2321 3hPainting I
ARTS 2326 3hSculpture IHU 2307 3hPersp&Themes in Fine Arts
ARTS 2356 3hPhotography I (Fine Arts emphasis)HU 2307 3hPersp&Themes in Fine Arts
ASTR 1303 3hStars and GalaxiesPY 1310 3hModern Astronomy
BIOL 1308 3hBiology for Non-Science Majors I (lecture)BL 1301 3hGeneral Biology for Non-Majors
BIOL 1309 3hBiology for Non-Science Majors II (lecture)BL 1302 3hGeneral Biology for Non-Majors
BIOL 1322 3hNutrition & Diet TherapyBL 3311 3hNutrition
BIOL 1406 4hBiology for Science Major I (lecture + lab)BL 1401 4hGeneral Biology I
BIOL 1407 4hBiology for Science Major II (lecture + lab)BL 1402 4hGeneral Biology II
BIOL 2401 4hAnatomy & Physiology I (lecture + lab)ST 2400 4hPersp&Themes in Science
BIOL 2416 4hGenetics (lecture + lab)BL 2330 3hGenetic Principles
BUSI 1301 3hBusiness PrinciplesBA 1310 3hFoundation of Business Enterprise
CHEM 1405 4hIntroductory Chemistry I (lecture + lab)CH 1411 4hGeneral Chemistry I
CHEM 1407 4hIntroductory Chemistry II (lecture + lab)CH 1402 4hGeneral Chemistry II
CHEM 2423 4hOrganic Chemistry I (lecture + lab)CH 2411 4hOrganic Chemistry I
CHEM 2425 4hOrganic Chemistry II (lecture + lab)CH 2412 4hOrganic Chemistry II
COMM 1307 3hIntroduction to Mass CommunicationHU 2305 3hPersp&Themes in Lit/Lang/Com
COSC 1301 3hIntroduction to ComputingCS 1300 3hIntroduction to Computers
COSC 1315 3hIntroduction to Computer ProgrammingCS 1301 3hComputer Science Principles
COSC 1336 3hProgramming Fundamentals ICS 1310 3hProgramming I
COSC 1337 3hProgramming Fundamentals IICS 2313 3hObject-Oriented Programming I
COSC 1437 4hProgramming Fundamentals IICS 2313 3hObject-Oriented Programming I
COSC 2325 3hComputer OrganizationCS 2350 3hComputer Architecture
COSC 2336 3hProgramming Fundamentals IIICS 1311 3hProgramming II
CRIJ 1301 3hIntroduction to Criminal JusticeCJ 1301 3hIntro to Criminal Justice
CRIJ 1306 3hCourt Systems & PracticesCJ 2399 3hTopics in Criminal Justice
CRIJ 1307 3hCrime in AmericaCJ 2399 3hSpecial Topic:Crime In Amer
CRIJ 1310 3hFundamentals of Criminal LawCJ 2314 3hSubstantive Criminal Law
DANC 2303 3hDance AppreciationHU 2307 3hPersp&Themes in Fine Arts
DRAM 1322 3hStage MovementDM 2352 3hIntroduction to Stagecraft
DRAM 1341 3hStage MakeupHU 2307 3hPersp&Themes in Fine Arts
DRAM 1351 3hActing IDM 2321 3hActing
DRAM 1352 3hActing IIHU 2307 3hPersp&Themes in Fine Arts
DRAM 2366 3hFilm AppreciationHU 2307 3hPersp&Themes in Fine Arts
ECON 2301 3hPrinciples of MacroeconomicsEC 2301 3hIntroductory Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 2302 3hPrinciples of MicroeconomicsEC 2303 3hIntroductory Microeconomic Theory
ENGL 1301 3hComposition IEN 1311 3hRhetoric and Composition
ENGL 1302 3hComposition IIEN 1312 3hRhetoric & Composition II
ENGL 2322 3hBritish Literature IEN 2352 3hSurvey of British Literature
ENGL 2327 3hAmerican Literature IEN 2399 3hSpecial Topics
ENGL 2351 3hMexican-American LiteratureEN 2399 3hSpecial Topic:Mex-Amer Lit
ENGR 1201 2hIntroduction to EngineeringEG 1303 3hEngineering and Society
ENGR 1304 3hEngineering Graphics IEG 1341 3hEngineering Graphics and Design
ENGR 2105 1hElectrical Circuits I LaboratoryEG 2123 3hCircuits and System Laboratory
ENGR 2106 1hIntroduction to Digital Systems LaboratoryEG 2181 3hDigital Systems Design Laboratory
ENGR 2301 3hEngineering Mechanics-StaticsEG 2307 3hStatics
ENGR 2302 3hEngineering Mechanics - DynamicsEG 2385 3hDynamics
ENGR 2305 3hElectrical Circuits IEG 2323 3hCircuits and Systems
ENGR 2306 3hIntroduction to Digital SystemsEG 2382 3hDigital Systems Design
ENVR 1301 3hEnvironmental Science I (lecture)ES 1373 3hIntro Environmental Science
FREN 1411 4hBeginning French IFR 1311 3hIntro to French I
FREN 1412 4hBeginning French IIFR 1312 3hIntro to French II
FREN 2311 3hIntermediate French IFR 2311 3hSecond Year French I
FREN 2312 3hIntermediate French IIFR 2312 3hSecond Year French II
GEOL 1101 1hEarth Sciences for Non-Science Majors I (lab)ES 1100 1hGeneral Geology Laboratory
GEOL 1105 1hEnvironmental Science (lab)ES 1137 1hEnvironmental Science Lab
GEOL 1301 3hEarth Sciences for Non-Science Majors I (lecture)ES 1301 3hPhysical Geology
GEOL 1303 3hPhysical Geology (lecture)ES 1300 3hGeneral Geology
GEOL 1305 3hEnvironmental Science (lecture)ES 1305 3hPhysical Geography
GEOL 1345 3hOceanography (lecture)ES 1342 3hOceanography
GEOL 1403 4hPhysical Geology (lecture and lab)ES 1303 3hGeology of Earth Resources
GEOL 1405 4hEnvironmental Science (lecture + lab)ES 1373 3hEnvironmental Geology
GERM 1411 4hBeginning German IGR 1311 3hElementary German I
GERM 1412 4hBeginning German IIGR 1312 3hElementary German II
GERM 2311 3hIntermediate German IGR 2311 3hSecond Year German I
GERM 2312 3hIntermediate German IIGR 2312 3hSecond Year German II
GOVT 2305 3hFederal Government (Federal Const & Topics)PO 1311 3hAmerican National Government
GOVT 2306 3hTexas Government (Texas Const & Topics)PO 1312 3hTX State & Local Govt
HIST 1301 3hUnited States History IHS 1301 3hUS History to 1877
HIST 1302 3hUnited States History IIHS 1302 3hUS History since 1877
HIST 2311 3hWestern Civilization IHS 1351 3hHistorical Analysis: World History to 1500
HIST 2312 3hWestern Civilization IIHS 1352 3hHistorical Analysis: World Histroy since 1500
HUMA 1301 3hIntroduction to the Humanities IHU 1300 3hIntro to the Humanities II
JAPN 1411 4hBeginning Japanese IJP 1311 3hElementary Japanese I
JAPN 1412 4hBeginning Japanese IIJP 1312 3hElementary Japanese II
JAPN 2311 3hIntermediate Japanese IJP 2311 3hSecond Year Japanese I
JAPN 2312 3hIntermediate Japanese IIJP 2312 3hSecond Year Japanese II
MATH 1314 3hCollege Algebra (3 SCH version)MT 1303 3hCollege Algebra
MATH 1324 3hMath for Business & Social SciencesMT 1305 3hFinite Mathematics
MATH 1325 3hCalculus for Business & Social SciencesMT 1306 3hCalculus for Business
MATH 1342 3hElementary Statistical Methods (3 SCH version, freshman level)MT 2303 3hIntroduction to Probability and Statistics
MATH 1414 4hCollege Algebra (4 SCH version)MT 1303 3hCollege Algebra
MATH 2318 3hLinear AlgebraMT 2318 3hApplied Linear Algebra
MATH 2320 3hDifferential EquationsMT 2317 3hDifferential Equations
MATH 2412 4hPre-Calculus Math (4 SCH version)MT 1411 4hPrecalculus
MATH 2413 4hCalculus IMT 2412 4hCalculus I
MATH 2414 4hCalculus IIMT 2413 4hCalculus II
MATH 2415 4hCalculus IIIMT 2414 4hCalculus III
MUSI 1181 1hPiano Class IMU 1111 1hPrivate Lessons:Piano
MUSI 1183 1hVoice ClassMU 1111 1hPrivate Lesons
MUSI 1192 1hGuitar ClassMU 1111 1hApplied Music: Guitar
MUSI 1306 3hMusic AppreciationHU 2307 3hPersp&Themes in Fine Arts
PHED 1338 3hConcepts of Physical FitnessEX 2399 3hSpecial Topic:Concepts of Fit
PHED 2356 3hCare & Prevention of Athletic InjuriesEX 3302 3hPrevention & Care of Activity
PHIL 1301 3hIntroduction to PhilosophyPL 1301 3hIntro to Philosophy
PHIL 1304 3hIntroduction to World ReligionsHU 2300 3hPersp&Themes Hist, Phil & The
PHIL 2306 3hIntroduction to EthicsPL 2301 3hFoundation of Ethics
PHYS 1303 3hStars and Galaxies (lecture)PY 1310 3hModern Astronomy
PHYS 1401 4hCollege Physics I (lecture + lab)PY 1401 4hGeneral Physics
PHYS 1402 4hCollege Physics II (lecture + lab)PY 1402 4hGeneral Physics
PHYS 2425 4hUniversity Physics I (lecture + lab)PY 1404 4hUniversity Physics I
PHYS 2426 4hUniversity Physics II (lecture + lab)PY 2404 4hUniversity Physics II
PORT 2311 3hIntermediate Portuguese IPR 2311 3hSec Yr Portugese I
PORT 2312 3hIntermediate Portuguese IIPR 2312 3hSec Yr Portugese II
PSYC 2301 3hGeneral PsychologyPS 1301 3hIntro to Psychology
PSYC 2306 3hHuman SexualityPS 2399 3hSpecial Topic: Human Sexuality
PSYC 2314 3hLifespan Growth & DevelopmentPS 2355 3hDevelopment
PSYC 2316 3hPsychology of PersonalityPS 2353 3hPersonality
SOCI 1301 3hIntroductory SociologySC 1311 3hIntroductory Sociology
SPAN 2311 3hIntermediate Spanish I (3rd semester Spanish)SP 2311 3hSecond Year Spanish I
SPAN 2312 3hIntermediate Spanish II (4th semester Spanish)SP 2312 3hSecond Year Spanish II
SPCH 1311 3hIntroduction to Speech CommunicationCM 1341 3hFundamentals of Oral Communication
SPCH 1315 3hPublic SpeakingCM 2321 3hPublic Speaking
SPCH 1321 3hBusiness & Professional CommunicationCM 2333 3hBusiness and Professional Communication
SPCH 1342 3hVoice & DictionCM 1311 3hVoice & Diction