Dallas Baptist University (DBU)

Academic Year: Fall 2024 - Summer 2025 (Default)



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Common CourseDallas Baptist University
ACCT 2301 3hPrinciples of Financial AccountingACCT 2301 3hPrinciples of Financial Accounting
ACCT 2302 3hPrinciples of Managerial AccountingACCT 2302 3hPrinciples of Managerial Accounting
ACCT 2401 4hPrinciples of Financial AccountingACCT 2301 3hPrinciples of Financial Accounting
ARTS 1311 3hDesign I (2-Dimensional)ART 1301 3hDesign I
ARTS 1312 3hDesign II (3-Dimensional)ART 1302 3hDesign II
ARTS 1316 3hDrawing IART 1303 3hDrawing I
ARTS 1317 3hDrawing IIART 2303 3hDrawing II
ARTS 2316 3hPainting IART 2310 3hPainting I
ARTS 2356 3hPhotography I (Fine Arts emphasis)ART 2314 3hPhotographt I
BIOL 1406 4hBiology for Science Major I (lecture + lab)BIOL 1405 4hModern Concepts in Biology I
BIOL 1407 4hBiology for Science Major II (lecture + lab)BIOL 1406 4hModern Concepts in Biology II
BIOL 2401 4hAnatomy & Physiology I (lecture + lab)BIOL 2405 4hHuman Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 2402 4hAnatomy & Physiology II (lecture + lab)BIOL 2406 4hHuman Anatomy and Physiology II
BUSI 1307 3hPersonal FinanceFINA 2301 3hConsumer Finance
CHEM 1411 4hGeneral Chemistry I (lecture + lab)CHEM 1401 4hGeneral Chemistry I
CHEM 1412 4hGeneral Chemistry II (lecture + lab)CHEM 1402 4hGeneral Chemistry II
CHIN 1411 4hBeginning Chinese ICHIN 1401 4hElementary Chinese I
CHIN 1412 4hBeginning Chinese IICHIN 1402 4hElementary Chinese II
CHIN 2311 3hIntermediate Chinese ICHIN 2301 3hIntermediate Chinese I
CHIN 2312 3hIntermediate Chinese IICHIN 2302 3hIntermediate Chinese II
COMM 1318 3hPhotography ICOMA 2314 3hPhotography I
COMM 1335 3hIntroduction to Electronic MediaCOMA 2304 3hIntro to Broadcast/Digital Media
COMM 2330 3hIntroduction to Public RelationsCOMA 2330 3hIntroduction to Public Relations
COSC 1436 4hProgramming Fundamentals ICOSC 1405 4hFundamentals of Computer Science I
COSC 1437 4hProgramming Fundamentals IICOSC 1408 4hFoundations of Comp Science II
COSC 2436 4hProgramming Fundamentals IIICOSC 2306 3hData Struct/Intro Algorithms
CRIJ 1301 3hIntroduction to Criminal JusticeCRJS 1302 3hIntroduction to Criminal Justice
CRIJ 1306 3hCourt Systems & PracticesCRJS 2305 3hThe Courts and Criminal Procedure
CRIJ 1307 3hCrime in AmericaCRJS 1301 3hCrime in America
CRIJ 1310 3hFundamentals of Criminal LawCRJS 2304 3hFundamentals of Criminal Law
DRAM 2336 3hVoice for the ActorCOMA 2302 3hVoice and Articulation
ECON 2301 3hPrinciples of MacroeconomicsECON 2301 3hPrinciples of Macroeconomics
ECON 2302 3hPrinciples of MicroeconomicsECON 2302 3hPrinciples of Microeconomics
ENGL 1301 3hComposition IENGL 1301 3hComposition and Rhetoric I
ENGL 1302 3hComposition IIENGL 1302 3hComposition and Rhetoric II
ENGL 2332 3hWorld Literature IENGL 2301 3hWorld Literature I
ENGL 2333 3hWorld Literature IIENGL 2302 3hWorld Literature II
ENVR 1401 4hEnvironmental Science I (lecture + lab)ENSC 1401 4hIntroduction to Environmental Science
GEOL 1403 4hPhysical Geology (lecture and lab)GEOL 1301 4hPhysical Geology
GEOL 1447 4hMeteorology (lecture + lab)GEOL 1401 4hMeteorology and Space Science
GOVT 2305 3hFederal Government (Federal Const & Topics)POLS 2301 3hAmerican National Government
GOVT 2306 3hTexas Government (Texas Const & Topics)POLS 2302 3hState and Local Governments
HIST 1301 3hUnited States History IHIST 1301 3hU.S. History to 1865
HIST 1302 3hUnited States History IIHIST 1302 3hU.S. History since 1865
HIST 2321 3hWorld Civilizations IHIST 2301 3hWorld Civilization I
HIST 2322 3hWorld Civilizations IIHIST 2302 3hWorld Civilization II
HUMA 1315 3hFine Arts AppreciationFINE 1306 3hIntroduction to Fine Arts
MATH 1314 3hCollege Algebra (3 SCH version)MATH 1303 3hCollege Algebra
MATH 1316 3hPlane TrigonometryMATH 1304 3hTrigonometry
MATH 1324 3hMath for Business & Social SciencesMATH 1307 3hFinite Math for Business Analysis
MATH 1325 3hCalculus for Business & Social SciencesMATH 1308 3hCalculus for Business Analysis
MATH 1332 3hContemporary Mathematics (Quantitative Reasoning)MATH 1301 3hMath for Liberal Arts
MATH 1342 3hElementary Statistical Methods (3 SCH version, freshman level)MATH 2301 3hElementary Probability and Statistics
MATH 2314 3hCalculus IIMATH 1406 4hCalculus and Analytic Geometry I
MATH 2315 3hCalculus IIIMATH 2407 3hCalculus and Analytic Geometry III
MATH 2413 4hCalculus IMATH 1405 4hCalculus and Analytic Geometry I
MATH 2414 4hCalculus IIMATH 1406 4hCalculus and Analytic Geometry II
MUSI 1116 1hSight Singing & Ear Training IMUSI 1111 1hAural Skills I
MUSI 1117 1hSight Singing & Ear Training IIMUSI 1112 1hAural Skills II
MUSI 1181 1hPiano Class IMUSI 1117 1hClass Piano I
MUSI 1182 1hPiano Class IIMUSI 1118 1hClass Piano II
MUSI 1303 3hFundamentals of Music (1 semester course)MUSI 1300 3hFundamentals of Music
MUSI 1311 3hMusic Theory IMUSI 1311 3hMusic Theory I
MUSI 1312 3hMusic Theory IIMUSI 1312 3hMusic Theory II
MUSI 2116 1hSight Singing & Ear Training IIIMUSI 2111 1hAural Skills III
MUSI 2117 1hSight Singing & Ear Training IVMUSI 2112 1hAural Skills IV
MUSI 2311 3hMusic Theory IIIMUSI 2311 3hMusic Theory III
MUSI 2312 3hMusic Theory IVMUSI 2312 3hMusic Theory II
PHED 1164 1hIntroduction to Physical Fitness & WellnessKNES 1101 1hFitness for Living
PHED 1301 3hFoundations of KinesiologyKNES 2301 3hFoundations/Trends in Kines
PHIL 1301 3hIntroduction to PhilosophyPHIL 2301 3hIntroduction to Philosophy
PHIL 2303 3hIntroduction to Formal LogicPHIL 2302 3hIntroduction to Logic
PHYS 1401 4hCollege Physics I (lecture + lab)PHYS 1401 4hGeneral Physics I
PHYS 1402 4hCollege Physics II (lecture + lab)PHYS 1402 4hGeneral Physics II
PHYS 1415 4hPhysical Science I (lecture + lab)PHSC 1401 4hPhysical Science I
PHYS 1417 4hPhysical Science II (lecture + lab)PHSC 1402 4hPhysical Science II
PSYC 2301 3hGeneral PsychologyPSYC 1301 3hGeneral Psychology
PSYC 2317 3hStatistical Methods in PsychologyPSYC 2301 3hStatistics for the Social Science
SOCI 1301 3hIntroductory SociologySOCI 1301 3hIntroduction to Sociology
SOCI 1306 3hSocial ProblemsSOCI 1302 3hSocial Problems
SPAN 1411 4hBeginning Spanish ISPAN 1401 4hElementary Spanish I
SPAN 1412 4hBeginning Spanish II (2nd semester Spanish, 4 SCH version)SPAN 1402 4hElementary Spanish II
SPAN 2311 3hIntermediate Spanish I (3rd semester Spanish)SPAN 2301 3hIntermediate Spanish I
SPAN 2312 3hIntermediate Spanish II (4th semester Spanish)SPAN 2302 3hIntermediate Spanish II
SPCH 1311 3hIntroduction to Speech CommunicationCOMA 1302 3hSpeech and Interpersonal Communication
SPCH 1342 3hVoice & DictionCOMA 2302 3hVoice and Articulation