Texas Christian University (TCU)

Academic Year: Fall 2024 - Summer 2025 (Default)



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Fall 2024 - Summer 2025 (Default)
Common CourseTexas Christian University
ACCT 2301 3hPrinciples of Financial AccountingACCT 20353 3hFundamentals of Accounting
ACCT 2302 3hPrinciples of Managerial AccountingACCT 40163 3hAccounting for Decision Making & Control
ACCT 2401 4hPrinciples of Financial AccountingACCT 20353 3hFundamentals of Accounting
ACCT 2402 4hPrinciples of Managerial AccountingACCT 40163 3hAccounting for Decision Making & Control
ANTH 2302 3hIntroduction to ArcheologyANTH 20633 3hIntro to Archeology
ANTH 2351 3hCultural AnthropologyANTH 20623 3hCultural Anthropology
ARTS 1303 3hArt History I (Prehistoric to the 14th Century)ARHI 10043 3hIntroduction to Art History
BIOL 1322 3hNutrition & Diet TherapyNTDT 20403 3hNutrition
BIOL 2401 4hAnatomy & Physiology I (lecture + lab)BIOL 20204 4hAnatomy and Physiology
BIOL 2402 4hAnatomy & Physiology II (lecture + lab)BIOL 20214 4hAnatomy and Physiology
BIOL 2420 4hMicrobiology for Non-Science Majors (lecture + lab)BIOL 20234 4hMicrobiology of Human Disease
BIOL 2421 4hMicrobiology for Science Major I (lecture + lab)BIOL 20234 4hMicrobiology of Human Disease
BUSI 2305 3hBusiness StatisticsINSC 20153 3hStatistical Analysis
CHEM 1412 4hGeneral Chemistry II (lecture + lab)CHEM 10125 5hGeneral Chemistry II
CHEM 2423 4hOrganic Chemistry I (lecture + lab)CHEM 30123 4hOrganic Chemistry I and Lab
CHEM 2425 4hOrganic Chemistry II (lecture + lab)CHEM 30133 4hOrganic Chemistry II and Generic Lab
CHIN 1411 4hBeginning Chinese ICHIN 10153 3hBeginning Chinese I
CHIN 1412 4hBeginning Chinese IICHIN 10163 3hBeginning Chinese II
CHIN 2311 3hIntermediate Chinese ICHIN 20053 3hIntermediate Chinese I
CHIN 2312 3hIntermediate Chinese IICHIN 20063 3hIntermediate Chinese II
COMM 1316 3hNews Photography IJOUR 10303 3hIntroduction to Visual Journalism
COMM 2300 3hMedia LiteracyJOUR 10303 3hIntroduction to Visual Journalism
COMM 2302 3hPrinciples of JournalismJOUR 10203 3hIntroduction to Journalism
COMM 2311 3hMedia WritingJOUR 10113 3hMedia Writing and Editing
COMM 2366 3hFilm AppreciationFTDM 10053 3hSurvey of Film
COSC 1436 4hProgramming Fundamentals ICOSC 10503 4hIntroduction to Programming for Engineering & Science
DANC 1305 3hWorld DanceDANC 10453 3hDance in World Cultures
DRAM 1120 1hTheater Practicum ITHEA 10901 1hTheatre Production
DRAM 1310 3hTheater AppreciationTHEA 11003 3hSurvey of Theatre
DRAM 1330 3hStagecraft ITHEA 11203 3hStagecraft
DRAM 1341 3hStage MakeupTHEA 11223 3hStage Makeup
DRAM 1351 3hActing ITHEA 11303 3hActing I: Introduction
DRAM 1352 3hActing IITHEA 21303 3hActing II: Realism
DRAM 2336 3hVoice for the ActorTHEA 21333 3hVoice and Speech I
DRAM 2366 3hFilm AppreciationFTDM 10053 3hSurvey of Film
ECON 2301 3hPrinciples of MacroeconomicsECON 10233 3hIntroductory Macroeconomics
ECON 2302 3hPrinciples of MicroeconomicsECON 10223 3hIntroductory Microeconomics
EDUC 1100 1hLearning FrameworkEDUC 30123 1hEducational Psychology
EDUC 1200 2hLearning FrameworkEDUC 30123 2hEducational Psychology
EDUC 1300 3hLearning FrameworkEDUC 30123 3hEducational Psychology
EDUC 1301 3hIntroduction to the Teaching ProfessionEDUC 20003 3hCritical Investigation: Teaching and Learning
EDUC 2301 3hIntroduction to Special PopulationsEDUC 30603 3hStudy of Exceptional Students
ENGL 1301 3hComposition IENGL 10803 3hIntroductory Composition: Writing as Inquiry
ENGL 1302 3hComposition IIENGL 20803 3hIntermediate Composition: Writing Argument
ENGL 2307 3hCreative WritingCRWT 10203 3hIntroduction to Creative Writing
ENGL 2321 3hBritish Literature (single-semester course)ENGL 20403 3hBritish Writers
ENGL 2326 3hAmerican Literature (single-semester course)ENGL 20503 3hAmerican Writers
ENGL 2332 3hWorld Literature IENGL 20603 3hWestern World Literature I
ENGL 2333 3hWorld Literature IIENGL 20613 3hWestern World Literature II
ENGL 2341 3hForms of Literature (1 semester course)ENGL 10133 3hIntroduction to Literature
ENGR 2301 3hEngineering Mechanics-StaticsENGR 10032 2hStatic Mechanics
ENGR 2302 3hEngineering Mechanics - DynamicsENGR 20613 3hDynamics and Vibrations I
ENGR 2304 3hProgramming for EngineersENGR 10573 3hApplied Programming Matlab
ENGR 2308 3hEngineering EconomicsENGR 40203 3hEngineering Economic Analysis
ENGR 2332 3hMechanics of MaterialsENGR 20603 3hSolid Mechanics I
ENGR 2401 4hEngineering Mechanics-StaticsENGR 10032 2hStatic Mechanics
ENGR 2402 4hEngineering Mechanics - DynamicsENGR 20613 3hDynamics and Vibrations I
ENGR 2405 4hElectrical Circuits I (lecture + lab)ENGR 20404 4hCircuit Analysis and Design II
ENVR 1401 4hEnvironmental Science I (lecture + lab)ENSC 10143 3hContemporary Environmental Issues
FREN 1411 4hBeginning French IFREN 10153 4hFirst Semester College French
FREN 1412 4hBeginning French IIFREN 10163 4hSecond Semester College French
FREN 2311 3hIntermediate French IFREN 20053 3hThird Semester College French
FREN 2312 3hIntermediate French IIFREN 20063 3hFourth Semester College French
GEOG 1302 3hHuman GeographyGEOG 20013 3hHuman Geography
GEOG 1303 3hWorld Regional GeographyGEOG 10003 3hWorld Regional Geography
GEOL 1401 4hEarth Sciences for Non-Science Majors I (lecture and lab)GEOL 10113 3hUnderstanding the Earth
GEOL 1405 4hEnvironmental Science (lecture + lab)ENSC 10143 3hContemporary Environmental Issues
GERM 1411 4hBeginning German IGRMN 10153 3hBeginning German I
GERM 1412 4hBeginning German IIGRMN 10163 3hBeginning German II
GERM 2311 3hIntermediate German IGRMN 20053 3hBeginning German III
GERM 2312 3hIntermediate German IIGRMN 20063 3hIntermediate German
HECO 1322 3hNutrition & Diet TherapyNTDT 20403 3hNutrition
HIST 1301 3hUnited States History IHIST 10603 3hUnited States History: A Survey to 1877
HIST 1302 3hUnited States History IIHIST 10613 3hUnited States History: A Survey since 1877
HIST 2311 3hWestern Civilization IHIST 10203 3hOrigins of Western Civilization: Europe to 1348
HIST 2312 3hWestern Civilization IIHIST 10223 3hModernization and its Discontents: Europe 1789 to the Present
HIST 2321 3hWorld Civilizations IHIST 10103 3hWorld History to 1500
HIST 2322 3hWorld Civilizations IIHIST 10113 3hWorld History since 1500
ITAL 1411 4hBeginning Italian IITAL 10153 3hFirst Semester College Italian
ITAL 1412 4hBeginning Italian IIITAL 10163 3hSecond Semester College Italian
ITAL 2311 3hIntermediate Italian IITAL 20053 3hThird Semester College Italian
ITAL 2312 3hIntermediate Italian IIITAL 20063 3hFourth Semester College Italian
JAPN 1411 4hBeginning Japanese IJAPN 10153 3hFirst Semester College Japanese
JAPN 1412 4hBeginning Japanese IIJAPN 10163 3hSecond Semester College Japanese
JAPN 2311 3hIntermediate Japanese IJAPN 20053 3hThird Semester College Japanese
JAPN 2312 3hIntermediate Japanese IIJAPN 20063 3hFourth Semester College Japanese
MATH 1314 3hCollege Algebra (3 SCH version)MATH 10273 3hApplied Precalculus
MATH 1316 3hPlane TrigonometryMATH 10054 4hPrecalculus with Trigonometry
MATH 1324 3hMath for Business & Social SciencesMATH 10273 3hApplied Precalculus
MATH 1325 3hCalculus for Business & Social SciencesMATH 10283 3hApplied Calculus
MATH 1332 3hContemporary Mathematics (Quantitative Reasoning)MATH 10033 3hTopics in Mathematics
MATH 1342 3hElementary Statistical Methods (3 SCH version, freshman level)MATH 10043 3hElementary Statistics
MATH 1350 3hMathematics for Teachers I (Fundamentals of Mathematics I)MATH 20043 3hMathematics for Elementary Teachers
MATH 1414 4hCollege Algebra (4 SCH version)MATH 10273 3hApplied Precalculus
MATH 1442 4hElementary Statistical Methods (4 SCH version, freshman level)MATH 10043 3hElementary Statistics
MATH 2305 3hDiscrete MathematicsMATH 20123 3hDiscrete Mathematics I
MATH 2312 3hPre-Calculus Math (3 SCH version)MATH 10273 3hApplied Precalculus
MATH 2313 3hCalculus IMATH 10524 4hCalculus I
MATH 2314 3hCalculus IIMATH 20524 4hCalculus II
MATH 2315 3hCalculus IIIMATH 30524 4hCalculus III
MATH 2318 3hLinear AlgebraMATH 30224 4hLinear Algebra
MATH 2320 3hDifferential EquationsMATH 30613 4hDifferential Equations
MATH 2412 4hPre-Calculus Math (4 SCH version)MATH 10054 3hPrecalculus with Trigonometry
MATH 2413 4hCalculus IMATH 10524 4hCalculus I
MATH 2414 4hCalculus IIMATH 20524 4hCalculus II
MATH 2415 4hCalculus IIIMATH 30524 4hCalculus III
MATH 2418 4hLinear AlgebraMATH 30224 4hLinear Algebra
MATH 2420 4hDifferential EquationsMATH 30613 3hDifferential Equations
MUSI 1116 1hSight Singing & Ear Training IMUSI 10201 1hElementary Ear Training
MUSI 1161 1hInternational Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) for SingersMUSI 10181 1hDiction for Singers
MUSI 1306 3hMusic AppreciationMUSI 10053 3hSurvey of Western Art Music
MUSI 1310 3hAmerican MusicMUSI 10033 3hSurvey of Jazz
MUSI 2117 1hSight Singing & Ear Training IVMUSI 20211 3hAdvanced Ear Training
MUSI 2181 1hPiano Class IIIMUSI 21030     Class Piano
MUSI 2311 3hMusic Theory IIIMUSI 20203 3hAdvanced Theory
MUSI 2312 3hMusic Theory IVMUSI 20213 3hAdvanced Theory
PHED 1164 1hIntroduction to Physical Fitness & WellnessKINE 10011 1hPersonal Fitness
PHED 1301 3hFoundations of KinesiologyKINE 10103 3hFoundations of Kinesiology
PHED 1304 3hPersonal/Community HealthHLTH 20203 3hHealth and Wellness Concepts
PHED 1331 3hPhysical Education for Elementary Education MajorsKINE 20403 3hPhysical Education for Elementary School Children
PHED 1338 3hConcepts of Physical FitnessKINE 10011 1hPersonal Fitness
PHIL 1304 3hIntroduction to World ReligionsRELI 10023 3hUnderstanding Religion: Communities
PHYS 1401 4hCollege Physics I (lecture + lab)PHYS 10154 4hGeneral Physics I with Laboratory
PHYS 1402 4hCollege Physics II (lecture + lab)PHYS 10164 4hGeneral Physics II with Laboratory
PHYS 2425 4hUniversity Physics I (lecture + lab)PHYS 20474 4hPhysics I with Laboratory: Mechanics
PHYS 2426 4hUniversity Physics II (lecture + lab)PHYS 20484 4hPhysics II with Laboratory: Electromagnetism and Optics
PSYC 1100 1hLearning Framework (1 SCH version)PSYC 10110 1hTechniques of College Learning
PSYC 1200 2hLearning Framework (2 SCH version)PSYC 10110 2hTechniques of College Learning
PSYC 1300 3hLearning Framework (3 SCH version)PSYC 10110 3hTechniques of College Learning
PSYC 2301 3hGeneral PsychologyPSYC 10213 3hIntroduction to Psychology
PSYC 2314 3hLifespan Growth & DevelopmentNURS 10303 3hHuman Development
PSYC 2315 3hPsychology Of AdjustmentPSYC 20553 3hPsychology of Adjustment
PSYC 2316 3hPsychology of PersonalityPSYC 30443 3hPsychology of Personality
PSYC 2320 3hAbnormal PsychologyPSYC 30363 3hAbnormal Psychology
SOCW 2361 3hIntroduction to Social WorkSOWO 10833 3hIntroduction to Social Work
SOCW 2362 3hSocial Welfare: Legislation, Programs, and ServicesSOWO 30863 3hSocial Welfare Policy
SPAN 1411 4hBeginning Spanish ISPAN 10103 3hSpanish for Beginners 1
SPAN 1412 4hBeginning Spanish II (2nd semester Spanish, 4 SCH version)SPAN 10203 3hSpanish for Beginners 2
SPAN 2311 3hIntermediate Spanish I (3rd semester Spanish)SPAN 20103 3hIntermediate Spanish 1
SPAN 2312 3hIntermediate Spanish II (4th semester Spanish)SPAN 20203 3hIntermediate Spanish 2
SPAN 2313 3hSpanish for Native/Heritage Speakers ISPAN 20103 3hIntermediate Spanish 1
SPAN 2315 3hSpanish for Native/Heritage Speakers IISPAN 20203 3hIntermediate Spanish 2
SPCH 1311 3hIntroduction to Speech CommunicationCOMM 10123 3hCommunicating Effectively
SPCH 1315 3hPublic SpeakingCOMM 10123 3hCommunicating Effectively
SPCH 1318 3hInterpersonal CommunicationCOMM 20113 3hInterpersonal Communication
SPCH 1321 3hBusiness & Professional CommunicationCOMM 10123 3hCommunicating Effectively
SPCH 1342 3hVoice & DictionCOSD 20313 3hVoice and Articulation Improvement