University of Texas at Dallas (UTDAL)

Academic Year: Fall 2024 - Summer 2025 (Default)



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Common CourseUniversity of Texas at Dallas
ACCT 2301 3hPrinciples of Financial AccountingACCT 2301 3hIntroductory Financial Accounting
ACCT 2302 3hPrinciples of Managerial AccountingACCT 2302 3hIntroductory Management Accounting
ARAB 1411 4hBeginning Arabic IARAB 1311 3hBeginning Arabic I
ARAB 1412 4hBeginning Arabic IIARAB 1312 3hBeginning Arabic II
ARAB 2311 3hIntermediate Arabic IARAB 2311 3hIntermediate Arabic I
ARAB 2312 3hIntermediate Arabic IIARAB 2312 3hIntermediate Arabic II
ARTS 1301 3hArt AppreciationARTS 1301 3hExploration of the Arts
ARTS 1303 3hArt History I (Prehistoric to the 14th Century)AHST 1303 3hSurvey of Western Art History: Ancient to Medieval
ARTS 1304 3hArt History II (14th Century to the Present)AHST 1304 3hSurvey of Western Art History: Renaissance to Modern
ARTS 1311 3hDesign I (2-Dimensional)ARTS 2380 3hVisual Design Foundations
ARTS 1312 3hDesign II (3-Dimensional)ARTS 2381 3hIntroduction to Sculpture
ARTS 1316 3hDrawing IARTS 1316 3hDrawing Foundations
ARTS 2316 3hPainting IARTS 2316 3hPainting Foundations
ARTS 2348 3hDigital MediaARTS 2348 3hDigital Art
BIOL 1306 3hBiology for Science Majors I (lecture)BIOL 2311 3hIntroduction to Modern Biology I
BIOL 1307 3hBiology for Science Majors II (lecture)BIOL 2312 3hIntroduction to Modern Biology II
BIOL 2316 3hGenetics (lecture)BIOL 1318 3hHuman Genetics
BUSI 2301 3hBusiness LawBLAW 2301 3hBusiness and Public Law
CHEM 1111 1hGeneral Chemistry I (lab)CHEM 1111 1hGeneral Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM 1112 1hGeneral Chemistry II (lab)CHEM 1112 1hGeneral Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM 1311 3hGeneral Chemistry I (lecture)CHEM 1311 3hGeneral Chemistry I
CHEM 1312 3hGeneral Chemistry II (lecture)CHEM 1312 3hGeneral Chemistry II
CHEM 2123 1hOrganic Chemistry I (lab)CHEM 2123 1hIntroductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM 2125 1hOrganic Chemistry II (lab)CHEM 2125 1hIntroductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM 2323 3hOrganic Chemistry I (lecture)CHEM 2323 3hIntroductory Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 2325 3hOrganic Chemistry II (lecture)CHEM 2325 3hIntroductory Organic Chemistry II
CHIN 1411 4hBeginning Chinese ICHIN 1311 3hBeginning Chinese I
CHIN 1412 4hBeginning Chinese IICHIN 1312 3hBeginning Chinese II
CHIN 2311 3hIntermediate Chinese ICHIN 2311 3hIntermediate Chinese I
CHIN 2312 3hIntermediate Chinese IICHIN 2312 3hIntermediate Chinese II
COSC 1336 3hProgramming Fundamentals ICS 1336 3hProgramming Fundamentals
COSC 1337 3hProgramming Fundamentals IICS 1337 3hComputer Science I
COSC 1436 4hProgramming Fundamentals ICS 1436 4hProgramming Fundamentals
COSC 2325 3hComputer OrganizationCS 2340 3hComputer Architecture
COSC 2336 3hProgramming Fundamentals IIICS 2336 3hComputer Science II
CRIJ 1301 3hIntroduction to Criminal JusticeCRIM 1301 3hIntroduction to Criminal Justice
CRIJ 1306 3hCourt Systems & PracticesCRIM 2317 3hCriminal Prosecution and Court Process
CRIJ 1307 3hCrime in AmericaCRIM 1307 3hIntroduction to Crime and Criminology
CRIJ 1310 3hFundamentals of Criminal LawCRIM 2306 3hCriminal Law
CRIJ 1313 3hJuvenile Justice SystemCRIM 2308 3hJuvenile Law
CRIJ 2313 3hCorrectional Systems & PracticesCRIM 2316 3hCorrections
CRIJ 2328 3hPolice Systems & PracticesCRIM 2313 3hPolice and Society
DANC 1305 3hWorld DanceDANC 1305 3hIntroduction to World Dance Forms
DRAM 1310 3hTheater AppreciationTHEA 1310 3hUnderstanding Theatre
DRAM 1351 3hActing ITHEA 1351 3hActing I
DRAM 1352 3hActing IITHEA 1352 3hActing II
DRAM 2336 3hVoice for the ActorTHEA 2350 3hVoice for the Actor
ECON 2301 3hPrinciples of MacroeconomicsECON 2301 3hPrinciples of Macroeconomics
ECON 2302 3hPrinciples of MicroeconomicsECON 2302 3hPrinciples of Microeconomics
ENGL 1301 3hComposition IRHET 1301 3hRHETORIC I
ENGL 1302 3hComposition IIRHET 1302 3hRhetoric
ENGL 2307 3hCreative WritingCRWT 2301 3hIntroduction to Creative Writing
ENGL 2331 3hWorld Literature (single-semester course)LIT 2331 3hIntroduction to World Literature
ENGL 2341 3hForms of Literature (1 semester course)LIT 2350 3hClose Reading
ENGR 2301 3hEngineering Mechanics-StaticsMECH 2310 3hStatics
ENGR 2302 3hEngineering Mechanics - DynamicsMECH 2330 3hDynamics
ENGR 2305 3hElectrical Circuits IEE 2301 3hElectrical Network Analysis
ENGR 2306 3hIntroduction to Digital SystemsEE 2310 3hIntroduction to Digital Systems
ENGR 2332 3hMechanics of MaterialsMECH 2320 3hMechanics of Materials
FREN 1411 4hBeginning French IFREN 1311 3hBeginning French I
FREN 1412 4hBeginning French IIFREN 1312 3hBeginning French II
FREN 2311 3hIntermediate French IFREN 2311 3hIntermediate French I
FREN 2312 3hIntermediate French IIFREN 2312 3hIntermediate French II
GEOG 1303 3hWorld Regional GeographyGEOG 2303 3hWorld Regional Geography
GEOL 1103 1hPhysical Geology (lab)GEOS 1103 1hPhysical Geology Laboratory
GEOL 1104 1hHistorical Geology (lab)GEOS 1104 1hHistory of Earth and Life Laboratory
GEOL 1303 3hPhysical Geology (lecture)GEOS 1303 3hPhysical Geology
GEOL 1304 3hHistorical Geology (lecture)GEOS 1304 3hHistory of Earth and Life
GEOL 1305 3hEnvironmental Science (lecture)GEOS 2302 3hThe Global Environment
GEOL 1345 3hOceanography (lecture)ISNS 2367 3hThe Oceans
GEOL 1347 3hMeteorology (lecture)ISNS 2368 3hWeather and Climate
GERM 1411 4hBeginning German IGERM 1311 3hBeginning German I
GERM 1412 4hBeginning German IIGERM 1312 3hBeginning German II
GERM 2311 3hIntermediate German IGERM 2311 3hIntermediate German I
GERM 2312 3hIntermediate German IIGERM 2312 3hIntermediate German II
GOVT 2107 1hFederal & Texas ConstitutionsGOVT 2107 1hFederal and Texas Constitutions
GOVT 2305 3hFederal Government (Federal Const & Topics)GOVT 2305 3hAmerican National Government
GOVT 2306 3hTexas Government (Texas Const & Topics)GOVT 2306 3hState and Local Government
HIST 1301 3hUnited States History IHIST 1301 3hU.S. History Survey to Civil War
HIST 1302 3hUnited States History IIHIST 1302 3hU.S. History Survey from Civil War
HIST 2301 3hTexas HistoryHIST 2301 3hHistory of Texas
HIST 2381 3hAfrican-American HistoryHIST 2381 3hAfrican-American History
HUMA 1301 3hIntroduction to the Humanities IHUMA 1301 3hExploration of the Humanities
HUMA 2323 3hWorld CulturesARHM 2344 3hWorld Cultures
JAPN 1411 4hBeginning Japanese IJAPN 1311 3hBeginning Japanese I
JAPN 1412 4hBeginning Japanese IIJAPN 1312 3hBeginning Japanese II
JAPN 2311 3hIntermediate Japanese IJAPN 2311 3hIntermediate Japanese I
JAPN 2312 3hIntermediate Japanese IIJAPN 2312 3hIntermediate Japanese II
KORE 1411 4hBeginning Korean IKORE 1311 3hBeginning Korean I
KORE 1412 4hBeginning Korean IIKORE 1312 3hBeginning Korean II
KORE 2311 3hIntermediate Korean IKORE 2311 3hIntermediate Korean I
KORE 2312 3hIntermediate Korean IIKORE 2312 3hIntermediate Korean II
LANG 1311 3hForeign Language I (1st semester, 3 SCH version)LANG 1311 3hBeginning Language Instruction I
LANG 1312 3hForeign Language II (2nd semester, 3 SCH version)LANG 1312 3hBeginning Language Instruction II
MATH 1314 3hCollege Algebra (3 SCH version)MATH 1314 3hCollege Algebra
MATH 1316 3hPlane TrigonometryMATH 1316 3hTrigonometry
MATH 1325 3hCalculus for Business & Social SciencesMATH 1325 3hApplied Calculus I
MATH 1342 3hElementary Statistical Methods (3 SCH version, freshman level)STAT 1342 3hStatistical Decision Making
MATH 2305 3hDiscrete MathematicsCS 2305 3hDiscrete Mathematics for Computing I
MATH 2312 3hPre-Calculus Math (3 SCH version)MATH 2312 3hPrecalculus
MATH 2413 4hCalculus IMATH 2413 4hDifferential Calculus
MATH 2414 4hCalculus IIMATH 2414 4hIntegral Calculus
MATH 2415 4hCalculus IIIMATH 2415 4hCalculus of Several Variables
MATH 2418 4hLinear AlgebraMATH 2418 4hLinear Algebra
MATH 2420 4hDifferential EquationsMATH 2420 4hDifferential Equations with Applications
MUSI 1303 3hFundamentals of Music (1 semester course)MUSI 1313 3hFundamentals of Music
MUSI 1306 3hMusic AppreciationMUSI 1306 3hUnderstanding Music
PHIL 1301 3hIntroduction to PhilosophyPHIL 1301 3hIntroduction To Philosophy
PHIL 1304 3hIntroduction to World ReligionsRELS 1302 3hIntroduction to World Religions
PHIL 2303 3hIntroduction to Formal LogicPHIL 2303 3hIntroduction to Logic
PHIL 2306 3hIntroduction to EthicsPHIL 1306 3hIntroduction to Ethics
PHIL 2316 3hClassical PhilosophyPHIL 2316 3hHistory of Philosophy I
PHIL 2321 3hPhilosophy of ReligionPHIL 1305 3hIntroduction to Philosophy of Religion
PHYS 1101 1hCollege Physics I (lab)PHYS 1101 1hCollege Physics Laboratory I
PHYS 1102 1hCollege Physics II (lab)PHYS 1102 1hCollege Physics Laboratory II
PHYS 1301 3hCollege Physics I (lecture)PHYS 1301 3hCollege Physics I
PHYS 1302 3hCollege Physics II (lecture)PHYS 1302 3hCollege Physics II
PHYS 2125 1hUniversity Physics Laboratory I (lab)PHYS 2125 1hPhysics Laboratory I
PHYS 2126 1hUniversity Physics Laboratory II (lab)PHYS 2126 1hPhysics Laboratory II
PHYS 2325 3hUniversity Physics I (lecture)PHYS 2325 3hMechanics
PHYS 2326 3hUniversity Physics II (lecture)PHYS 2326 3hElectromagnetism and Waves
PSYC 2301 3hGeneral PsychologyPSY 2301 3hIntroduction To Psychology
PSYC 2314 3hLifespan Growth & DevelopmentPSY 2314 3hLifespan Development
PSYC 2317 3hStatistical Methods in PsychologyPSY 2317 3hStatistics For Psychology
SGNL 1301 3hBeginning American Sign Language ISGNL 1301 3hBeginning American Sign Language I
SGNL 1302 3hBeginning American Sign Language IISGNL 1302 3hBeginning American Sign Language II
SGNL 2301 3hIntermediate American Sign Language ISGNL 2301 3hIntermediate American Sign Language I
SGNL 2302 3hIntermediate American Sign Language IISGNL 2302 3hIntermediate American Sign Language II
SOCI 1301 3hIntroductory SociologySOC 1301 3hIntroduction to Sociology
SPAN 1411 4hBeginning Spanish ISPAN 1311 3hBeginning Spanish I
SPAN 1412 4hBeginning Spanish II (2nd semester Spanish, 4 SCH version)SPAN 1312 3hBeginning Spanish II
SPAN 2311 3hIntermediate Spanish I (3rd semester Spanish)SPAN 2311 3hIntermediate Spanish I
SPAN 2312 3hIntermediate Spanish II (4th semester Spanish)SPAN 2312 3hIntermediate Spanish II
SPAN 2313 3hSpanish for Native/Heritage Speakers ISPAN 2310 3hSpanish for Heritage Speakers
SPCH 1311 3hIntroduction to Speech CommunicationCOMM 1311 3hSurvey of Oral and Technology-based Communication
SPCH 1315 3hPublic SpeakingCOMM 1315 3hPublic Speaking
SPCH 1318 3hInterpersonal CommunicationCOMM 1320 3hInterpersonal Communication
SPCH 2341 3hOral InterpretationCOMM 2314 3hOral Interpretation